Looking at Life Through the Rearview Mirror
Life is a tapestry of experiences, woven together with moments of challenge and victory. As I sit down to reflect
By Wane A. Hailes
Although the deadline for an individual to declare their intention to run for a political office isn’t until March 8th of 2024 it hasn’t stopped a number of prospective local candidates from getting the word out now via social media.
Honestly, even though it seems early for some I am not mad at them for trying to get their name out there now because the way the system has been set up, once they file they have just over a month before early voting begins on April 29, 2024.
Although I have been clear that anyone has the right to run for office if they so choose some of the individuals “don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell” of winning. I don’t care how early they start campaigning.
But that is not what this column is about. I am writing to suggest that, given the limited amount of time between the candidates filing their intent and the election the Black organizations in this community communicate with each other and agree to collectively host two or three meaningful political forums.
In past years numerous organizations and groups from the IMA, Urban League, NAACP, neighborhood associations, fraternities, sororities and churches have hosted political forums. Most have had very little turnout at times with more candidates than citizens in attendance. The other problem has been because there are so many candidates ended up picking and choosing which ones to attend.
To that end, as we did prior to the last election your Black media outlets, Davis Broadcasting, Inc. and the Courier Eco Latino newspaper will once again host a series of “Meet the Candidate Forums. The dates are scheduled for April 11th, April 18th and April 25th, 6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. At the Citizen’s Service Center in Council Chambers.
A representative from each of the local civic & social organizations will be invited to serve as our guest panelist providing questions for the candidates. The forms will be live-streamed and broadcast on Davis Broadcastings, WOKS and K92.7.
Perhaps our actions will show the three Black candidates what can happen when we lay aside our respective egos and coordinate our efforts. Working for the greater good we can increase the attendance of each forum and with advance notice accept no excuses from the political candidates who do not show up.